Territorial Program +SOLO +VIDA

Project partners

ADPM – Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola

ADPM – Mértola Heritage Defense Association – was founded in 1980 and has solid experience in coordinating projects related with fight desertification and soil erosion prevention, as well as projects linked with the regeneration of cork oak forests (Montado) and strategies of adaptation and mitigation measures to climate change. It has been involved in the creation of the protected area of the Guadiana Valley. This NGO is the coordinating body of the Territorial Programme +SOLO +VIDA responsible for the application of good agrosilvopastoral practices in the farms that are members of the project. In addition, will follow the drawing up and the dynamization of the whole process of participatory development of the governance model, with the support of MED- Universidade de Évora.

Cooperativa Agrícola do Guadiana

The Cooperativa Agrícola do Guadiana, a support entity for farmers particularly included in Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana and ZPE Vale do Guadiana, will collaborate in the implementation of several communication actions. It will also act as an interlocutor and representative of the local agricultural sector in the definition of a new governance model.

NBI – Natural Bussiness Inteligence

NBI – Natural Bussiness Inteligence, is a specialized consultant in creating options for a Natural Based Economy. It will be particularly responsible for the assessment and valuation of Ecosystem Services in the areas of implementation of the agrosilvopastoral practices and it will also follow and monitor their implementation.

Universidade do Algarve

University of Algarve, representing the research Academy, will be involved in assessing the costs and benefits of good agrosilvopastoral practices implementation along the different stages of the governance model developing. Furthermore, will monitor the implementation of erosion prevention actions.

IDN – International Development Norway

IDN – International Development Norway, an entity with wide experience in knowledge applied to environmental and local development, will contribute to the definition of the governance model implemented in Territorial Program +SOLO +VIDA. Through the study of solutions adopted in other geographies, IDN advises and drives the implementation of governance models that promote climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector, as well as the debate stage with recommendations for public policies.

The Territorial Program +SOLO +VIDA is one of the four projects approved at national level by the EEAGrants Fund, notice “projects of preparation for extreme weather conditions and risk management in the context of climate change”